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"Dear Mr. Dembia, David and I are very grateful to you. We are impressed with your tireless work ethic that yielded such excellent results. You were not only persistent, professional & patient, but most of all, honorable. It is our good fortune to know you. We are more than happy to recommend you highly. Best Regards, Paula and David Spira."

-Paula and David Spira

"Always the consummate professional, Robert Dembia never loses sight of the goal:  to serve his client faithfully and fairly.  As our counsel, Robert was a savvy blend of confidante, mentor and educator.  Anybody would be lucky to have him in
their court."


- Anne G Wnorowski

It is without hesitation I give Robert Dembia Esquire my highest recommendation. He has done an outstanding job in my legal proceedings. He is extremely professional and explained the entire process. He is patient with me and a fighter for my rights. I completely trust him and consider him my greatest advocate. Monetary reward was not his only concern, he also looked after my interests. I did have other attorney's working on my case however it was Robert I called first, before any decisions where made. His expertise and skill were essential in concluding my legal proceedings. I would always choose Robert Dembia Esquire to be a fighter in my corner!

- Mary Jo McKay Thake, President Northport Centerport Bermuda Lion Club

Уважаемый Мистер Дембия, выражаю Вам свою искреннюю благодарность за то, что Вы в течение длительного времени последовательно и профессионально защищали мои интересы. Неоспоримым Вашим достоинством является высокий уровень знаний, умение определить единственно правильный путь при достижении правильных целей. При решении сложных юридических задач умение найти компромиссный вариант при защите клиента.


Особенно хочу отметить тактичность в общении, умение оказать психологическую поддержку в трудную минуту. Все свои знания Вы,Мистер Дембия, направляете на оказание юридической помощи своим клиентам, отдаетесь своей профессиональной деятельности полностью, без остатка, и поэтому достойны высшей похвалы. (English Translation Below)

Dear Mr. Dembia, I express my sincere gratitude to you for having consistently and professionally defended my interests for a long time.  Undeniable your dignity is a high level of knowledge, the ability to determine the only correct way to achieve the right goals. When solving complex legal problems, the ability to find a compromise option when protecting a client.

Especially I want to note the tactfulness in communication, the ability to provide psychological support in a difficult moment.

All of your knowledge, you, Mr. Dembia, is directed to provide legal assistance to your clients, you devote your professional activity completely, without a trace, and therefore worthy of the highest praise.


- Best Regards, Ruslan Amanov

Jestem niezmiernie wdzięczna mecenasowi Robert Dembia za jego troskę, cierpliwość i profesionalizm. Mecenas Dembia reprezentował mnie w sprawie, która ciągneła się ponad rok. W tym czasie informował mnie na bieżąco odnosnie postępu mojej sprawy. Cierpiwie tłumaczył zawiłości prawne i zmiany w strategii. Dzięki jego profesjonalizmowi, systematyczności, cierpliwości, mądrości i głębokiej znajomości prawa moja sprawa została wygrana. Co najważniejsze, mecenas Dembia okazał się człowiekiem bardzo uczciwym. Gorąco polecam jego firmę i usługi adwokackie. (English Translation Below)


I am very grateful to Mr. Robert Dembia for his concern, patience, and professionalism. Mr. Dembia represented me in a legal case which lasted a year. During that time, he kept me informed of the status of the case. Patiently he continued to explain the legal ramifications and changes in the strategy. Thanks to his professionalism, patience, wisdom, and knowledge I won the case. The most importantly, Mr. Dembia is an honest professional. I strongly recommend his services.


- Ela Kulmaczewska




弁護士がごまんといるNYCで、本当に良い弁護士を探すのは大変だと思います。”良い”といっても人により解釈は異なるかもしれませんが、基本はやはり、満足のいく対応をして下さる方、つまり依頼主の観点に立ち、其の意向に出来る限り添うよう尽力して下さる方ではないでしょうか。報酬だけが目当ての弁護士は、分かり易いくらいこの辺りが欠落してる為、時間が経つにつれ不信感がでてきます。氏が他の弁護士とは違うところは、本当に親身になって対応して下さるところだと思います。 信頼出来る弁護士をお探しの方には、自信を持ってお勧めできる弁護士です。(English Translation below)


"It was Mr. Dembia whom my friend had introduced to me when she saw my exhaustion and struggles dealing with my former attorney who was little to no help and the case that had kept being delayed. Mr. Dembia was thorough to explain options and to answer any questions I had had, and extremely fast in responding. I remember I was completely impressed by his responsiveness and thoroughness especially after dealing with other lawyers who were slow to respond or act. I was immensely grateful for his integrity/sincerity when he did not even accept the payment until much later when he formally started represent me because, according to him, he was “just doing a favor” of his friend despite the time and the expertise he had given to me.


It is extremely difficult to find a good lawyer in NYC where there are so many to choose from. Although the interpretation of “good” may vary among individuals, the bottom line is, I think, whether the person can bring a satisfaction in every step during the process. In another words, it is whether he or she can truly be your advocate to represent your interest and is willing to do everything at his/her power to bring the desired outcome. When a lawyer’s focus is on a monetary reward rather than on his/her client’s interest, your distrust and dissatisfaction grow over time. What sets apart Mr. Dembia from any other lawyers is right on this point: His focus is on his client and he becomes your advocate. He genuinely cares about his client; you can feel it and you see it in his action. I highly recommend Mr. Dembia to anyone who is in need of an attorney whom you can trust."


- Writer Requested Anonymity




"Robert Dembia over the years has represented me in several legal matters. In a personal injury suit he was careful, persistent, detail-oriented and a particularly shrewd negotiator. I have no reservation recommending Bob Dembia as a thoughtful, knowledgeable, competent lawyer, particularly in any personal injury suit."


- Herbert Engelhardt, former CEO, Polycast Technology Corporation, Adjunct Professor, NYU Stern School of Business.



"When I needed expert legal advice after suffering a serious fall, Robert Dembia was referred by an acquaintance. I never regretted my decision to retain Mr. Dembia and found him at all times to be unwavering in his honesty and fairness during all negotiations. His representation of my case was handled with care and attention, and the final settlement met my expectations. I would recommend him without reservation."


- James A. Conti




"I am very thankful for having worked with Robert Dembia. He is a tireless and skilled attorney who was always ready to help. He offered up professionalism, integrity and genuineness, which made for an easier experience. His candor helped me to understand the legal process and as a result I knew just what to expect. He is knowledgeable and wise. Because of Mr. Dembia, I now have the answers that I needed and my mind is at ease. I would highly recommend Mr. Dembia to anyone."


- Elizabeth Romano










*Prior results do not guarantee similar future outcomes.


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This web site contains attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.


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